SDI Andalusia

Andalusia Islamic Primary School

Allah will raise up, to suitable ranks and degrees, those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge.

Andalusia Islamic Primary School

Akreditasi A

Our School

Vision & Mission

Andalusia Islamic Primary School establishes Islamic character education. We are committed to creating and maintaining the conditions that enable all students to experience an educational journey that is unrivaled intellectually, socially and personally. Develop creative thinking in problem solving, support leadership and self-development of students as citizens of the world.


Every child is unique. That is why we provide activities that support potential developments in various fields. Such as Silat, Taekwondo, Islamic Music, Mathematic Club, Futsal, Archery, Traditional Dance and Cinematography.

Setiap anak adalah unik. Maka dari itu kami menyediakan berbagai kegiatan pendukung dari kecerdasan dan potensi yang beragam. Ekstrakurikuler yang ada yaitu: Taekwondo, Silat, Musik Islami,Klub Matematika, Futsal, Panahan, Tari tradisional, dan Sinematografi.

Learning System

The curriculum follows the official rules set by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Prioritizing culturally appropriate developments and student’s need. With a habituation model that aims to make students’ obligations as Muslims a necessity in everyday life.

Kurikulum mengikuti aturan resmi yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi Indonesia. Mengedepankan pengembangan yang sesuai budaya dan kebutuhan siswa. Dengan model pembiasaan yang bertujuan agar kewajiban siswa sebagai umat Islam menjadi kebutuhan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.